Britain Yearly Meeting is the organisation of British Quakers, formally “Britain Yearly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends”.

Ilkley Quaker Meeting is one of approximately 460 local Quaker groups in Britain. Those local groups are arranged into 70 Area Meetings (historically known as monthly meetings). Members of those Area Meetings belong to Britain Yearly Meeting.

The title of “Britain Yearly Meeting” is used to refer to:

  • The collective congregation of Quakers in Britain
  • The annual gathering open to members and attenders (“Yearly Meeting” or “Yearly Meeting Gathering”)
  • The name of the administrative organisation that manages Quaker interests in in Britain, which consists of salaried staff, volunteers and a number of committees. Significant decisions of the organisation are made through a process of discernment within those committees. The committees are made up of members and attenders from the congregation.

Britain Yearly Meeting is based at Friends House in London.

Britain Yearly Meeting website:

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