Photo of Meeting House

Welcome to Ilkley Quaker Meeting

Quakerism is almost 400 years old. It is the common name for the Religious Society of Friends. It grew out of Christianity but today we also find meaning and value in other faiths and traditions.

We recognise that there is something transcendent and precious in every person. Different Quakers use different words to describe this, but we all believe we can be in contact with it and encounter something beyond our individual selves.

Quakers may be found throughout the world, with an estimate of 400,000 in total, with the majority in Africa and the Americas. In the UK there are about 23,000 Quakers.

Ilkley is one of the more modern Meeting Houses in the area, and many others have long and fascinating histories.  For the full story of how Ilkley came into being, and more about the history of meeting houses in this area see this talk given at the meeting house in 2016

We meet on Sundays at 10:30 AM. You are very welcome to join us.

Interested but haven’t been before? find out more here New to Quakers?

Who are Quakers and what do we believe?

Quakerism is unique in its individuality so that it offers something specific and special to each of us. Quaker faith is a search for our truth, not the arrival at it. It is sometimes called “a way of living”, that goes beyond our weekly Meeting and reaches into the daily lives. Quakers do not offer neat creeds or doctrine. Instead, we work together to seek a place where we can live as we want and feel we should. Find out more

Recent Blog Posts

Blog posts are written by members of Ilkley Meeting and occasionally other contributors. Posts are not necessarily endorsed by the Meeting and may not always represent the opinions of our members or the wider Quaker community.

Still – An Exhibition from Alice Fox and Juliet Gutch

To be found at the gleamingly white Tinker Gallery in Ilkley, West Yorkshire, the exquisite collaboration of work by Alice…

A Quaker on a March: a tired day restoring Nature

I’m in London for Restore Nature Now, bringing together supporters from over 350 organisations, including Quakers (together with RSPB, the Wildlife Trusts, Surfers against Sewage, and Extinction Rebellion)

Discussions on Quakerism with Young People

I recently attended Ashlands Primary School to speak to their Year 4 class (8 and 9 year olds) on Quakerism,…

I was overwhelmed by their eagerness, their interest, the thoughtfulness of their questions and their response to my answers…

Can you hear me?

Is anyone listening? Sometimes I feel everyone is talking, but no one is listening. I sort my friends into those that I find myself talking to; who listen to me, and those to whom I tend to listen. Who talk happily, stop for a moment to ask “Oh, and what about you?” and as I draw breath to answer, leap back into the next chapter of their dramatic life…

My first experiences of being part of QUNO

…it felt that in joining this group, I was bringing together nearly every strand of my life – my background and passions for international development and justice, fundraising, Quaker faith and practice…

The Big One

Several members of Ilkley Meeting attended one or more of the four day Big One climate protest in London, forming part of a considerable Quaker presence at the event. John, for whom this was a first in a life-time experience, writes about his experience of the day.

Ilkley Quakers March 2023 collection is for The Peace Museum, Bradford

The Bradford Peace Museum is the only accredited peace museum in the UK. Compared with war museums such as the…

After Wordsworth’s, “Lines written in early spring”

Poem, after Wordsworth’s, “Lines written in early spring”

Ilkley Meeting Community weekend at Glenthorne, Grasmere

There was so much to enjoy and to reflect upon over the weekend. But after a few days I realise that my mind goes back, with pleasure, to the conversations, however short, that I had with the young people in Meeting, hearing their hopes and plans.

Review of Ministry of the Future, Kim Stanley Robinson 2020 Orbit books

“it was getting hotter”
The opening line of Kim Stanley’s Ministry of the Future. Engagingly written, this is an important book for anyone wondering how we get through the climate emergency of climate chaos…

QUNO: Quaker involvement in COP 27

The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) with its centres in Geneva and New York, has provided vital ‘quiet diplomacy’ – places where diplomats and UN staff can meet and talk confidentially with skilled help away from the media.

Ilkley Quaker, Robert Gibson, is a Trustee of QUNO, and explains the significance of the QUNO presence at COP27…

What is COP?

COP – or Conference of the Parties- is the United Nations conference on climate change. It takes place every year and will bring together around 200 countries to present their plans to reduce carbon emissions…

COP27 6th to 18th November 2022: “The African Summit”

This year’s climate summit is being held at Sharm el Sheik in Egypt, sponsored by Coca Cola. Normally a tourist resort, it is many miles away from the Egypt’s populous and unsettled great cities…

Experiences of a Quaker Meeting in a Mental Health Hospital

I sent the email expecting a short reply, a ‘will see what I can do’ or an ‘I’ll look into it’…. The response was quick and real, ‘We will bring Meeting to you’…

Farfield Quaker Meeting House – The Silent Trees

Outside the trees move happily, the wind fresh and lively. Yews, Chestnuts, Sycamore and Birch. Most too young and supple to remember the time before there were walls to house the Silence…

Farfield Quaker Meeting House – The Silent Building

There, sitting within green, a stone mass of four walls and slanted roof. It is new to the landscape, yet old to our eyes, the walls appearing to stand unchallenged, the stones uneven and pockmarked by the wear of time and the elements…

Bike For Peace

On August Bank Holiday Sunday 2022 the busy car park of The Royalty on Yorkgate, Otley, was the meeting point for the Deputy Mayor of Otley, Ray Smith, and a contingent of riders from Bike for Peace lead by Tore Naedland…

Peace Vigil in Ilkley

In March 2022 in response to the invasion of Ukraine, some of our members held a weekly vigil in Ilkley.

“It’s raining, it’s cold. It’s getting dark and I’m not wearing enough warm clothes. Across the street workmen are coming down from their scaffolding, and a shop owner locks up, walking off along the pavement…”

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